[cool fruit names]Everyone knows that fruits are great for health, but not everyone knows what fruit is best. Here are the super nutritious fruits that are extremely familiar.
Everyone knows that fruits are great for health but not everyone knows what fruit is best. Here are the super nutritious fruits that are extremely familiar.
The following 12 fruits contain lots of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants, so they are extremely good for women thanks to their ability to prolong life, improve appearance or fight disease. But keep in mind: Eat whole fruits instead of grinding or juicing as this process can lose their effects!
Apples are good for health, everyone knows. But no one can deny the great effect of apples.
Apples, whether red, green or yellow, are extremely good fruits because they contain lots of fiber and antioxidants that can help the body fight aging. Plus, apple skin contains a unique compound called quercetin that protects you from allergies and inflammation.
In addition, many studies have shown that people who eat at least 5 apples per week are better able to fight off flu or lung diseases than people who do not eat apples.
Note: Do not eat apple seeds, because they contain cyanide is not good for the body.
Bananas are high in calories (about 100 calories per fruit) and are excellent fruit with potassium and healthy starches that can regulate blood pressure, improve kidney function, boost metabolism, and provide Gives you lots of energy while working or hanging out.
And the best part, bananas are able to fill you up very quickly. So always carry a banana with you in case you're hungry.
Grapes, especially purple grapes, contain a chemical called resveratrol, which helps keep the heart healthy, ward off Alzheimer's disease and may even prevent head and neck cancer.
Moreover, this wonderful fruit contains a special acid called malic acid that has the ability to keep your teeth white and plaque clean. But remember to eat before the grapes are overcooked, as this acidity tends to decrease over time.
Lemons are rich in vitamin C, minerals and fiber that fight disease, prevent dark spots and protect your skin from the sun's UV rays.
In addition, they are very important in preventing gum disease and baldness.
Pomegranates are rich in antioxidants and iron, and thus, can help women during menstruation recharge the lost iron and improve hemoglobin levels in the blood.
There are many types of oranges and they are all extremely nutritious thanks to their high content of fiber, Vitamin C, B, Potassium, and Calcium. These are all essential for the female body.
Avocados are rich in unsaturated fatty acids, which reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood. And since fat is essential for absorbing fat-soluble vitamins like vitamins A, B, K, and D, the fat in avocados is essential for your body to absorb these nutrients.
Papaya is a powerful anti-aging agent because it contains large amounts of vitamins A, E, and C. Just don't overeat it at once, as they can cause heat in your body and lead to diarrhea.
Note: Pregnant women should not eat papaya because it can cause pregnancy or miscarriage.