[seaweed snacks benefits]Dried seaweed is a nutritious food originating from Korea. So is dried seaweed good? What is the effect of dried seaweed? Let's find out through the article below.
So what is dried seaweed?
Seaweed (also known as kelp) is a type of nutritious food bestowed by nature. Seaweeds usually live in salt and brackish water, they usually grow on coral reefs, cliffs and deep water conditions provided that sunlight is needed for photosynthesis.
Seaweed after exploitation will be treated and dried or dried, then distributed to the market.
- The nutritional composition of seaweed is rich in fiber, protein, vitamins, carbohydrates, and minerals, these are essential substances of the body. According to the analysis of nutritionists through seaweed samples, the vitamin A content in seaweed is 2-3 times higher than that of carrots. Besides, the calcium content of seaweed is also 3 times higher than cow's milk and vitamin B2 is 4 times higher than cow's milk, many types of seaweed contain more protein than meat. In addition, dried seaweed contains high iodine content.
Uses of dried seaweed with human health
Currently, seaweed is being popular and widely used in everyday life. So is it good to eat dried seaweed? Dried seaweed in addition to being used as a nutritious dish, seaweed also has good beauty and healing effects. Let's find out some unexpected effects of seaweed.
Good for the digestive system
According to experts, in the seaweed contains Alga alkane mannitol, this is a low-calorie sugar, capable of nourishing the beneficial bacteria in the intestinal tract to help speed up the digestion of food and Eliminate scum left in the intestine. Therefore, seaweed is a very suitable food for people who often suffer from indigestion and constipation
Clean the blood
The composition of seaweed contains the substance Fertile clement which helps to regulate blood circulation, eliminates residues in the body, detoxifies. It is also an indispensable component of the thyroid gland, which secrete growth hormones that help the body grow so it is very good for pregnant women and children.
Prevent cardiovascular disease
Seaweed is a low-calorie, but nutritious, delicious and easy-to-use food. This type of food is used by doctors as a solution to avoid raising blood cholesterol levels for people at risk of diabetes.
Support the weight loss process
The fucoxanthin in seaweed stimulates the body to consume excess fat, producing DHA - a component of omega3 that helps regulate appetite effectively.
Acne and skincare effectively
In seaweed contains ingredients that help eliminate toxins in the body so that the debris in the skin is also accordingly removed from the body. As long as you persist in using seaweed for a few weeks, the blemishes will quickly disappear.
The seaweed contains quite a lot of minerals to help the skin very well. If you use seaweed, you will not need to use any more cosmetic products but your skin will also become smooth and white.