[exotic fruit names]There are so many exotic fruits in the world, they are really strange, maybe in shape, maybe in flavor, and their names are also something we enjoy. Below we will introduce you to 10 types of fruit with interesting names in the world.
Although durian tastes sweet and delicious, the smell of it ... terrible for those who first contact, not only the East but also with foreigners.
Star fruit
Star fruit is unique because it has a pentagram. A combination of apples, pears, grapes, and citrus. They are popularly grown in the East.
Bitter melon
Bitter melon is really a fruit. It has a bitter taste, cultivated in Asia, the Caribbean, and Africa.
Cupuaçu fruit
The cupuaçu (or broma grandiflorum) is grown in the Amazon basin, smells like chocolate and pineapple but has a delicious taste of pears and bananas.
Cranberry fruit
Cranberry often found from December to spring. It has a sour taste, looks almost like a lemon, good cold tolerance.
Miracle fruit
This fruit is so-called because when tasted will make other flavors such as sour, bitter are transformed into sweetness.
Sapodilla fruit
Sapodilla is also was known as jam cage, pallets or pallets. This fruit has a fragrant flavor, a rich sweetness.
Dragon fruit
The dragon tree looks like a cactus and only blooms at night. Dragon fruit is popular in many countries and it is native to Mexico.
The kiwano, looks like a cucumber. They are native to sub-Saharan Africa. Currently, kiwano is quite popular in the US.
Salak is a species of trees belonging to the indigenous family of Indonesia, Brunei, and Malaysia. It is also called a snake-scale fruit due to its reddish-brown crust structure.