[cool fruit]Hot weather makes the body dehydrated causing fatigue, anorexia, to overcome this situation need to eat a lot of fruit. Here are fruits that help cool the liver and cool down.
Hot weather always creates feelings of fatigue, anorexia. You need to reduce energy-rich foods, especially fat and carbohydrates because creating more energy makes the body feel hot. Instead, increase fruit intake and drink plenty of water.
Choose fresh fruits, ingredients that contain a lot of vitamin C such as watermelon, orange, dragon fruit, apple, tomato ... In addition to eating directly, using these fruits to squeeze drinking water or make a smoothie. Limit fruits that contain a lot of sugar such as jackfruit, litchi, longan, mango ...
Apple or apple juice helps "clean" the liver because it is very helpful in removing toxins from the body. Illustration
Apple or apple juice helps "clean" the liver because it is very helpful in removing toxins from the body. Apple juice contains malic acid that helps dissolve gallstones.
Apple also contains a fiber called pectin, which helps the body eliminate the heavy metals accumulated from food, it also eliminates intestinal bacteria, cystitis, prevents Prevent liver and skin diseases.
These wonderful fruits contain the most antioxidants and can really help prevent and even treat any bladder infection. Blueberries will prevent bacteria from sticking to the walls of the urinary tract, limiting the risk of urinary tract infections.
Berries contain fiber, healthy fats, and vitamins like B vitamins, vitamin C and vitamin E. These are nutrients that are good for overall liver health. Avocados produce an antioxidant called glutathione that increases the liver's ability to "cleanse".
Watermelon is rich in antioxidants and has the effect of limiting UV radiation in the sun to the body. It also contains 90% water, so you should eat 3-4 slices of watermelon every day to keep the water on hot days. However, do not eat too much because the sugar in watermelon can increase blood sugar.
In addition, this fruit is beneficial for repairing liver damage, protecting the liver from a powerful toxin (galactosamine). You only need to eat 1-2 avocados a week to help the liver.
Oranges and tangerines
Oranges and tangerines are a good source of vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin B1, vitamin B3, vitamin B9, and carotenoids ... Besides, they also contain magnesium, copper, and zinc, which is very beneficial to health
All the nutrients in oranges are needed to support liver health. Moreover, the antioxidants in grapefruit also help "clean" parasites in the liver, eliminating toxins in the liver very well.
This fruit contains many xanthone compounds that act as natural antibodies to boost vitality, fight fatigue, fight obesity, prevent cardiovascular diseases, improve the circulatory and digestive system, and nourish muscles. body and anti-aging, increase memory and longevity.
Grapefruit contains nutrients that stimulate the production and activity of enzymes that aid in liver detoxification. Moreover, it helps "clean" and flushes out the carcinogens from the liver.
In addition, grapefruit is a good fruit for your overall health because it lowers LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol), prevents kidney stones and protects against certain types of cancer (liver cancer, cancer). stomach...). This acidic fruit also helps you lose weight effectively.
If you want to eat grapefruit to "clean" the liver, you should consult your doctor because it can affect some drugs such as anti-hypertension drugs, cardiovascular, calcium supplements, lipid-lowering. ..