[best exotic fruits]If you go through the list of fruits on display in the supermarket every day, you will probably think in other countries, they also eat fruits like this. But in fact, there are still many kinds of fruit trees with delicious taste but extremely strange and funny shapes, appearing mainly in tropical regions that even indigenous people are not sure about.
Praise those who have the courage to try this fruit at their first sight. With a strange shape, the Ackee fruit is also likened to "The brain made of vegetables" because only the flesh inside has a shape similar to the brain. The fruit is native to tropical West Africa, then imported and grown in Jamaica, Haiti, and Cuba. Ackee fruit is one of the ingredients present in Caribbean cuisine.
This fruit impresses with its strange appearance, looks like a little blue lantern. With the same flavor and acidity of tomatoes, Physalis is used similarly to tomatoes in many dishes. This fruit is native to South America
What is unusual about this fruit is that it grows right on the bark of the trunk, looking as far as the whole plant is covered with purple succulent spots. The tree is often grown in South American lands and is considered the second grape variety for winemaking
Monstere deliciosa
Native to the rainforests of Central America, this tree looks like corn but tastes like pineapple. To remove the flesh, one must carefully crumble the outer scales. However, it takes a year for this tree to mature, otherwise, it will be poisonous and dangerous to eaters.