[feng shui wealth vase kit]Is your financial problem in recent days somewhat limited? Most likely your energy flow is being blocked. Feng shui good housing is a great way to attract energy to money and wealth to give you more.
Just follow the simple feng shui below in your home that can help attract money, prosperity. One secret is revealed that rich people always care about these feng shui elements.
The main door - welcomes prosperity
Besides, pay attention to the main door of the house. The door must be opened as wide and wide as necessary without any obstacle. The door hinges must not creak, clean the glass regularly (if any) and the painted door must be intact and not peeling off, always new. The door paint that is suitable for wealth, money and prosperity is red.
Also note, clutter, clutter is not good in feng shui housing. So your front door must always be clean, tidy and well lit. Possible to put the red flower pots along the path to the main entrance or in groups of 3 is best.
Feng shui in the house
As noted above, good feng shui requires that everything be clean and tidy. So make a plan to clean the whole house.
Throw away all the things you don't need in your house and then organize things neatly. Disordered housing is a factor that prevents the positive energy flow into your home.
Next is the lighting, moving indoor furniture to create natural light. Too much furniture, too many junks will make your house become cramped, blocking the flow of money.
Energy For the money area
The southeastern part of the house is a thriving place suitable for placing a small altar. On the altar should put some coins and candles to enhance luck.
Alternatively, you might consider placing an aquarium in this rich area or placing red or purple violets to add richness.
Feng shui bathroom and kitchen
Feng shui cookware is the most important item in the kitchen because it is related to wealth. Always keep the kitchen clean and still usable.
In feng shui, water can wash away all the money. Therefore, pay special attention to tighten all taps when not in use. Especially for bathrooms and toilets, please use a toilet lid when not in use.
Earth tones like bright yellow and beige should be used on kitchen or bathroom walls or floors.