Are you looking for a suitable picture to hang on an empty wall at home? Feng shui is an option that you need to consider. And you've thought of a picture of 100 birds. And do not rush to buy it without reading the following article: "100 birds feng shui with auspicious symbol accompanying?"
100 birds feng shui was born like?
The 100 birds feng shui painting is actually a reference to the story of the phoenix, and how it came to be such a revered celestial creature through a period of coming-of-age
To summarize the story, the phoenix was an ordinary bird that collected food to store (maybe in a just-in-time warehouse) when food was aplenty. When the great drought arrive and devastated the land, all other birds were starving and the phoenix graciously distributed the foodstuff to them and became a humanitarian superhero.
From then on, every year on the phoenix’s birthday, birds of all kinds would flock to the phoenix to show their gratitude and appreciation.
The 100 birds feng shui painting is a depiction of the birds paying homage to the phoenix. It is after all the king of all feathered animals.
This is why paintings of the 100 birds feng shui always have the phoenix taking up the most real estate within the painting itself.
The Meaning Of 100 birds feng shui?
The formation of 100 feng shui birds implies that a picture of 100 birds will not tell the myth mentioned above if the phoenix is removed from it. Therefore, it will not carry the auspicious symbol associated with it.
But for decades and even centuries, artists and designers could have painted a picture of 100 birds feng shui by explaining their own about what it represented and leaving the phoenix behind. They can even replace the phoenix with a peacock to cater to the western market.
Ultimately, the 100 birds feng shui painting symbolizes recognition, leading, group-think, mentors, and blessings in general.